The Good Scents Company Information Listings

Flavor Type Listing
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
absinthe acacia
acai acerola
acetic acetone
acidic acorn
acrylate agarwood
alcoholic aldehydic
alfalfa algae
alliaceous allspice
almond almond bitter almond
almond roasted almond almond toasted almond
amber ambergris
ambrette ammoniacal
angelica animal
anise anisic
apple apple cooked apple
apple dried apple apple green apple
apple red apple apple skin
apricot aromatic
arrack artichoke
asafetida asparagus
astringent autumn
avocado bacon
baked balsamic
banana banana peel
banana ripe banana banana unripe banana
barley roasted barley basil
bay bean green bean
beany beef juice
beefy beefy roasted beefy
beer beeswax
benzoin bergamot
berry berry ripe berry
bitter blackberry
bloody blueberry
bois de rose boronia
bouillon boysenberry
brandy bread baked
bread crust bread rye bread
bready broccoli
brothy brown
bubble gum buchu
burnt butter rancid
buttermilk butterscotch
buttery cabbage
cake calamus
camphoreous cananga
candy cantaloupe
capers caramellic
caraway cardamom
carnation carrot
carrot seed carvone
cascarilla cashew
cassia castoreum
catty cauliflower
cedar cedarwood
celery cereal
chamomile charred
cheesy cheesy bleu cheese
cheesy cheddar cheese cheesy feta cheese
cheesy gorgonzola cheese cheesy gouda cheese
cheesy limburger cheese cheesy parmesan cheese
cheesy roquefort cheese chemical
cherry cherry maraschino cherry
chervil chestnut
chicken chicken coup
chicken fat chicken roasted chicken
chicory chive
chocolate chocolate dark chocolate
chocolate milk chocolate chocolate white chocolate
chrysanthemum cider
cilantro ciltrano
cinnamon cinnamyl
cistus citronella
citrus citrus peel
citrus rind civet
clam clean
cloth laundered cloth clove
clover cocoa
coconut coffee
coffee roasted coffee cognac
cologne cooked
cookie cooling
copaiba coriander
corn corn chip
cornmeal cornmint
cortex costus
cotton candy coumarinic
cranberry creamy
cubeb cucumber
cucumber skin cumin
currant black currant currant bud black currant bud
currant red currant curry
custard cyclamen
cypress dairy
date davana
deertongue dewy
dill dirty
dragon fruit dry
durian dusty
earthy egg nog
egg yolk eggy
elderberry elderflower
elemi estery
ethereal eucalyptus
fatty fecal
fennel fenugreek
fermented fig
filbert fir needle
fishy fleshy
floral foliage
forest fougere
frankincense freesia
fresh fresh outdoors
fried fruit dried fruit
fruit overripe fruit fruit ripe fruit
fruit tropical fruit fruity
fudge fungal
fusel galanga
galbanum gardenia
garlic gasoline
gassy genet
geranium ginger
ginseng goaty
goji berry gooseberry
gourmand graham cracker
grain grain toasted grain
grape grape skin
grapefruit grapefruit peel
grassy gravy
greasy green
grilled guaiacol
guaiacwood guava
hairy ham
harsh hawthorn
hay hay new mown hay
hazelnut hazelnut roasted hazelnut
heather heliotrope
herbal hibiscus
honey honeydew
honeysuckle hops
horehound horseradish
huckleberry humus
hyacinth hyssop
immortelle incense
jackfruit jammy
jasmin jonquil
juicy juicy fruit
juniper ketonic
kimchi kiwi
kokumi kumquat
labdanum lachrymatory
lactonic lamb
lard lavandin
lavender lavender spike lavender
leafy leathery
leek lemon
lemon peel lemongrass
lettuce licorice
licorice black licorice lilac
lily lily of the valley
lime linden flower
lingonberry liver
lobster loganberry
lovage lychee
macadamia mace
magnolia mahogany
malty mandarin
mango maple
marigold marine
marjoram marshmallow
marzipan mastic
meaty meaty roasted meaty
medicinal melon
melon rind melon unripe melon
mentholic metallic
milky mimosa
minty molasses
moldy mossy
muguet mulberry
mushroom musk
mustard musty
mutton myrrh
naphthyl narcissus
nasturtium natural
neroli noni fruit
nut flesh nut skin
nutmeg nutty
oakmoss oatmeal
oats ocean
odorless oily
onion onion cooked onion
onion green onion opoponax
orange orange bitter orange
orange peel orange rind
orangeflower orchid
oriental origanum
orris osmanthus
oyster ozone
painty palmarosa
papaya paper
parsley passion fruit
patchouli pea green pea
peach peanut
peanut butter peanut roasted peanut
pear pear skin
pecan peely
pennyroyal peony
pepper bell pepper pepper black pepper
peppermint peppery
peru balsam petal
petitgrain petroleum
phenolic pimenta
pine pineapple
pistachio plastic
plum plum skin
pomegranate popcorn
pork potato
potato baked potato potato chip
potato raw potato powdery
praline privet
privetblossom prune
pulpy pumpkin
pungent quince
radish rain
raisin rancid
raspberry raw
reseda resinous
rhubarb rindy
ripe roasted
root beer rooty
rose rose dried rose
rose red rose rose tea rose
rose white rose rosemary
rubbery rue
rummy saffron
sage sage clary sage
salmon salty
sandalwood sandy
sappy sarsaparilla
sassafrass sauerkraut
sausage sausage smoked sausage
savory sawdust
scallion seafood
seashore seaweed
seedy sesame
sharp shellfish
shrimp skunk
smoky soapy
soft solvent
soup sour
spearmint spicy
spinach spruce
starchy starfruit
storax strawberry
stringent styrene
sugar sugar brown sugar
sugar burnt sugar sulfurous
sweaty sweet
sweet pea taco
tagette tallow
tamarind tangerine
tansy tarragon
tart tea
tea black tea tea green tea
tea rooibos tea tea white tea
tequila terpenic
thujonic thyme
toasted tobacco
toffee tolu balsam
tomato tomato leaf
tonka tropical
truffle tuberose
tuna turkey
turmeric turnup
tutti frutti umami
urine valerian root
vanilla vegetable
verbena vetiver
vinegar violet
violet leaf walnut
warm wasabi
watercress watermelon
watermelon rind watery
waxy weedy
wet whiskey
winey wintergreen
woody woody burnt wood
woody oak wood woody old wood
wormwood yeasty
ylang yogurt
yuzu zedoary
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