EU/US Properties Organoleptics Cosmetics Suppliers Safety Safety in use Safety references References Other Blenders Uses Occurrence Synonyms Articles Notes

xanthorrhoea preissii leaf oil
volatile oil distilled from the leaves of xanthorrhoea preissii, liliaceae

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Category:masking agents
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information:
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Physical Properties:
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
Organoleptic Properties:
Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:cosmetic data
Cosmetic Uses: fragrance
Hermitage Oils
Fire Tree Essential Oil
Odor: characteristic
Use: Adam Michael has this to say “The aroma of Fire Tree Essential Oil is floral, sweet boozy, super fruity with medicinal, leather and fresh woody undertones. To my nose it has similarities in aroma profile to Davana. From top note to base note the aroma is consistent throughout and of good tenacity. Xanthorrhoea preissii is commonly referred to as a grass-tree which is due to their tree-like appearance, with stout trunks and grass-like leaves fanning out from the crown. The plants are resistant to fire, which can stimulate prolific flowering and the blackened trunks, can re-sprout within a few months of a fire passing. Amber in colour of a pourable viscosity and produced in this instance by steam distilling the grass-looking leaves. This material is 100% pure and not cut with dipropylene glycol.”
Safety Information:
Hazards identification
Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
None found.
GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements
Hazard statement(s)
None found.
Precautionary statement(s)
None found.
Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
Not determined
Dermal Toxicity:
Not determined
Inhalation Toxicity:
Not determined
Safety in Use Information:
masking agents
IFRA Code of Practice Notification of the 49th Amendment to the IFRA Code of Practice
Recommendation for xanthorrhoea preissii leaf oil flavor usage levels up to:
 not for flavor use.
Safety References:
None found
None found
Other Information:
Potential Blenders and core components note
None Found
Potential Uses:
None Found
Occurrence (nature, food, other):note
 xanthorrhoea preissii leaf
Search Trop Picture
 balga leaf oil
 volatile oil distilled from the leaves of xanthorrhoea preissii, liliaceae
None found
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