EU/US Properties Organoleptics Cosmetics Suppliers Safety Safety in use Safety references References Other Blenders Uses Occurrence Synonyms Articles Notes

terminalia bellirica fruit
plant material obtained from the dried fruit of the terminalia bellerica, combretaceae

Supplier Sponsors

Category:cosmetic agents
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information:
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Physical Properties:
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
Organoleptic Properties:
Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:cosmetic data
Cosmetic Uses: astringents
skin conditioning
skin conditioning - emollient
Nanda Medicinal Plants
Wild Terminalia Bellirica Fruit
Pride International
Beleric Myrobalan
Safety Information:
Hazards identification
Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
None found.
GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements
Hazard statement(s)
None found.
Precautionary statement(s)
None found.
Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
Not determined
Dermal Toxicity:
Not determined
Inhalation Toxicity:
Not determined
Safety in Use Information:
cosmetic agents
Recommendation for terminalia bellirica fruit usage levels up to:
 not for fragrance use.
Recommendation for terminalia bellirica fruit flavor usage levels up to:
 not for flavor use.
Safety References:
None found
None found
Other Information:
Potential Blenders and core components note
None Found
Potential Uses:
None Found
Occurrence (nature, food, other):note
 terminalia bellirica fruit
Search Trop Picture
 bibitaki fruit
 myrobalanus bellirica fruit
 myrobalanus laurinoides fruit
 plant material obtained from the dried fruit of the terminalia bellerica, combretaceae
 terminalia attenuata fruit
 terminalia bellerica fruit
 terminalia bellirica var. laurinoides fruit
 terminalia eglandulosa fruit
 terminalia gella fruit
 terminalia laurinoides fruit
 terminalia punctata fruit


PubMed:Analgesic and antipyretic activity of Tri-sa-maw recipe.
PubMed:Acute and sub-chronic toxicity of Tri-sa-maw recipe in rats.
PubMed:Effect of Tri-sa-maw recipe on gastrointestinal regulation and motility. .
PubMed:A novel high-performance liquid chromatography-electron spray ionization-mass spectrometry method for simultaneous determination of guggulsterones, piperine and gallic acid in Triphala guggulu.
PubMed:A validated high-performance liquid chromatography method for determination of tannin-related marker constituents gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic acid, ellagic acid and chebulinic Acid in four Terminalia species from India.
PubMed:Activity study of biogenic spherical silver nanoparticles towards microbes and oxidants.
PubMed:Antifungal potential of triphala churna ingredients against Aspergillus species associated with them during storage.
PubMed:Preventive effect of Terminalia bellirica on obesity and metabolic disorders in spontaneously obese type 2 diabetic model mice.
PubMed:Antioxidant activity and polyphenol content in edible wild fruits from Nepal.
PubMed:Terminalia bellirica stimulates the secretion and action of insulin and inhibits starch digestion and protein glycation in vitro.
PubMed:Antioxidant activities of some local bangladeshi fruits (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Annona squamosa, Terminalia bellirica, Syzygium samarangense, Averrhoa carambola and Olea europa).
None found
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