EU/US Properties Organoleptics Cosmetics Suppliers Safety Safety in use Safety references References Other Blenders Uses Occurrence Synonyms Articles Notes

lanthanum chloride
lanthanum trichloride

Supplier Sponsors

CAS Number: 10099-58-8Picture of molecule3D/inchi
Other(deleted CASRN):12314-13-5
ECHA EINECS - REACH Pre-Reg:233-237-5
Molecular Weight:245.26147000
Formula:Cl3 La
NMR Predictor:Predict (works with chrome, Edge or firefox)
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information:
Google Scholar:Search
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Physical Properties:
Appearance:white crystalline solid (est)
Assay: 95.00 to 100.00
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
Specific Gravity:3.84000 @ 25.00 °C.
Flash Point: 32.00 °F. TCC ( 0.00 °C. ) (est)
Organoleptic Properties:
Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:cosmetic data
Cosmetic Uses: astringents
BOC Sciences
For experimental / research use only.
Lanthanum chloride, anhydrous 99% 99.9%
Santa Cruz Biotechnology
For experimental / research use only.
Lanthanum(III) chloride ≥99%
Sigma-Aldrich: Aldrich
For experimental / research use only.
Lanthanum(III) chloride anhydrous, beads, -10 mesh, ≥99.99% trace metals basis
Strem Chemicals
For experimental / research use only.
Lanthanum(III) chloride, anhydrous (99.9%-La) (REO)
Safety Information:
Preferred SDS: View
Hazards identification
Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
None found.
GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements
Hazard statement(s)
None found.
Precautionary statement(s)
None found.
Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
intraperitoneal-frog LD50 694 mg/kg
Environmental Quality and Safety, Supplement. Vol. 1, Pg. 1, 1975.

intraperitoneal-guinea pig LD50 129 mg/kg
AMA Archives of Industrial Health. Vol. 15, Pg. 9, 1957.

intraperitoneal-mouse LD50 121 mg/kg
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances, Academie des Sciences. Vol. 256, Pg. 1043, 1963.

intravenous-mouse LD50 18 mg/kg
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Vol. 13, Pg. 559, 1952.

intravenous-rabbit LD50 148 mg/kg
Environmental Quality and Safety, Supplement. Vol. 1, Pg. 1, 1975.

intraperitoneal-rat LD50 106 mg/kg
AMA Archives of Industrial Health. Vol. 16, Pg. 475, 1957.

oral-rat LD50 4184 mg/kg
Environmental Quality and Safety, Supplement. Vol. 1, Pg. 1, 1975.

intravenous-rat LDLo 4 mg/kg
AMA Archives of Industrial Health. Vol. 16, Pg. 475, 1957.

Dermal Toxicity:
subcutaneous-mouse LD50 2424 mg/kg
Environmental Quality and Safety, Supplement. Vol. 1, Pg. 1, 1975.

Inhalation Toxicity:
Not determined
Safety in Use Information:
Recommendation for lanthanum chloride usage levels up to:
 not for fragrance use.
Recommendation for lanthanum chloride flavor usage levels up to:
 not for flavor use.
Safety References:
EPI System: View
Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System:Search
AIDS Citations:Search
Cancer Citations:Search
Toxicology Citations:Search
EPA GENetic TOXicology:Search
EPA Substance Registry Services (TSCA):10099-58-8
EPA ACToR:Toxicology Data
EPA Substance Registry Services (SRS):Registry
Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary :64735
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:Data
WGK Germany:2
EPA/NOAA CAMEO:hazardous materials
RTECS:OE4375000 for cas# 10099-58-8
NIST Chemistry WebBook:Search Inchi
Canada Domestic Sub. List:10099-58-8
Pubchem (cid):64735
Pubchem (sid):135022149
Other Information:
(IUPAC):Atomic Weights of the Elements 2011 (pdf)
Videos:The Periodic Table of Videos
tgsc:Atomic Weights use for this web site
(IUPAC):Periodic Table of the Elements
HMDB (The Human Metabolome Database):Search
Export Tariff Code:2846.90.5000
Potential Blenders and core components note
None Found
Potential Uses:
None Found
Occurrence (nature, food, other):note
 not found in nature
 lanthanum chloride (La2Cl6)
 lanthanum chloride, anhydrous
 lanthanum trichloride
 lanthanum(III) chloride


PubMed:Combined effects of lanthanum (III) chloride and acid rain on photosynthetic parameters in rice.
PubMed:Enzymological mechanism for the regulation of lanthanum chloride on flavonoid synthesis of soybean seedlings under enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation.
PubMed:In utero and lactational lanthanum exposure induces olfactory dysfunction associated with downregulation of βIII-tubulin and olfactory marker protein in young rats.
PubMed:Abiotic stress responses promote Potato virus A infection in Nicotiana benthamiana.
PubMed:Production of 9-hydroxynonanoic Acid from methyl oleate and conversion into lactone monomers for the synthesis of biodegradable polylactones.
PubMed:Reference-material-based collaborative test of flame atomic absorption spectroscopic determination of calcium and magnesium in foods and biological materials.
PubMed:Effect of methionine supplementation on lanthanum chloride and neodymium chloride induced alterations in enzymes of the antioxidant defence system and gamma-glutamyl cycle in chick liver.
PubMed:Short- and long-term components of working memory in the rat.
None found
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