Solamer™ GR-8 Polymer
Odor: characteristic Use:
Solamer™ GR8 UV absorbing polymer is a breakthrough in hair care technology for the effective broad spectrum UV-protection of hair.
Solamer GR8 polymer is a multifunctional UV-absorbing polymer for use in both leave-in and rinse-off hair care products, including shampoos, conditioners and non-aerosol hair styling products. Designed to provide substantive, broad-spectrum UV-A and UV-B protection to hair, Solamer GR8 polymer protects the hair fiber structure, both inside and out, against damage caused by sun exposure. It maintains the tensile strength of hair after UV exposure, and it works in formulations over a broad pH range, from 4 to 10.
Solamer GR8 polymer has an excellent toxicity profile, is fully water soluble, and is also compatible with a variety of surfactants and in formulations containing up to 95 percent alcohol. |