The Good Scents Company Information Listings

All Ingredients Listing : Starting with R
randia formosa fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
richardella macrophylla fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosenbergiodendron longiflorum fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhamnidium elaeocarpum fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhoicissus tomentosa fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ribes grossularia fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ribes alpinum fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ribes orientale fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ricinodendron rautanenii fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus niveus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus allegheniensis fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus anatolicus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus arcticus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus bifrons fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus caesius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus chamaemorus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus ellipticus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus erythroclados fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus fraxinifolius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus hillii fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus hoffmeisterianus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus humulifolius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus illecebrosus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus irritans fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus leucodermis fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus loganobaccus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus moluccanus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus occidentalis fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus paniculatus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus probus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus roseiflorus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus sanctus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus sellowii fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus erytrocladus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus sumatranus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus strigosus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus ulmifolius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rabbit flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rabdosia rubescens extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
radish flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
radish isothiocyanate CAS: 505-79-3
EC: 208-020-3
FEMA: 3312
JECFA: 1564
FLAVIS: 12.030

Use(s): flavoring agents
raffinose undecaacetate CAS: 6424-12-0
EC: 229-181-6

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rain forest fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rain forest specialty Use(s): fragrance agents
rain fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rain fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rain fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rainbow colada flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raisin Use(s): food additive
raisin cinnamon flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raisin extract Use(s): flavoring agents
raisin flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raisin fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
raisin juice concentrate Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
raisin oil CAS: 68915-86-6

Use(s): fragrance agents
raisin walnut flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rambutan flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
ramontoside CAS: 133882-75-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
ranch flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
randia formosa fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ranunculus ficaria extract CAS: 84929-74-8
EC: 284-553-5

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ranunculus ficaria herb CAS: 84929-74-8
EC: 284-553-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ranunculus ficaria herb tincture CAS: 84929-74-8
EC: 284-553-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raoulia australis callus extract Use(s): antioxidants, skin conditioning, skin protecting
rape oil fatty acids methyl esters CAS: 85586-25-0
EC: 287-828-8

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rapeseed oil CAS: 8002-13-9
EC: 232-299-0

Use(s): solvents/deluents for cosmetic, flavor and/or fragrance agents
rapeseed oil CAS: 84681-71-0
EC: 283-532-8

Use(s): stabilizers, thickeners, gelling agents, emulsifiers
rapeseed oil decyl esters Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rapeseed oil hydrogenated superglycerinated CAS: 977011-92-9

Use(s): emulsifiers
rapeseed oil low erucic acid partially hydrogenated CAS: 977106-35-6

Use(s): edible fats and oils
raphanus sativus leaf extract CAS: 84775-94-0
EC: 283-918-6

Use(s): humectants
raphanus sativus root extract CAS: 84775-94-0
EC: 283-918-6

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
raphanus sativus root juice Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
raphanus sativus seed CAS: 84775-94-0
EC: 283-918-6

Use(s): food additive
raphanus sativus seed extract CAS: 84775-94-0
EC: 283-918-6

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
raphanus sativus seed oil CAS: 84775-94-0
EC: 283-918-6

Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning
raphanusol A CAS: 74565-72-3

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
raspberries & cream flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry alcohol CAS: 67952-38-9
EC: 267-891-8

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry almond flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry apple flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry black currant flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry blackberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry boysenberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry cranberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry cream flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry cream flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry currant flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry dicarboxylate CAS: 72903-27-6

Use(s): fragrance agents
raspberry distillates CAS: 72379-31-8

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry distillates Use(s): flavoring agents
raspberry enhancer Use(s): flavor enhancers
raspberry essence Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry essence Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry essence Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor for chocolate Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry flavor key Use(s): flavoring agents
raspberry fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
raspberry fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
raspberry fruit oil CAS: 72379-31-8

Use(s): fragrance agents
raspberry hazelnut flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry infusions Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry juice concentrate Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
raspberry juice concentrate Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
raspberry ketone CAS: 5471-51-2
EC: 226-806-4
FEMA: 2588
JECFA: 728
FLAVIS: 07.055

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry ketone 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 84812-73-7
EC: 284-217-8

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone 2-methyl crotonate CAS: 84812-72-6
EC: 284-216-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone acetate CAS: 3572-06-3
EC: 222-682-0
FEMA: 3652
JECFA: 731
FLAVIS: 09.288

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry ketone benzoate CAS: 94135-08-7
EC: 302-876-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone butyrate CAS: 72727-70-9
EC: 276-803-7

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone isobutyrate CAS: 84962-67-4
EC: 284-765-8

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone formate CAS: 84604-55-7
EC: 283-336-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone glucoside CAS: 38963-94-9

Use(s): cosmetic agents
raspberry ketone methyl ether CAS: 104-20-1
EC: 203-184-2
FEMA: 2672
JECFA: 818
FLAVIS: 07.029

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry ketone propionate CAS: 84604-41-1
EC: 283-321-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone valerate CAS: 94202-15-0
EC: 303-708-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry ketone isovalerate CAS: 84812-71-5
EC: 284-215-7

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
raspberry leaf absolute CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
raspberry lime flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry loganberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry mango flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry pear flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry puree Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
raspberry puree Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
raspberry puree concentrate Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
raspberry puree concentrate Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
raspberry rumba flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry seed oil CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): solvents/deluents for cosmetic, flavor and/or fragrance agents
raspberry seed oil Use(s): emollients
raspberry seed oil peg-8 esters Use(s): emollients, emulsifiers
raspberry seed oil/palm oil aminopropanediol esters Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
raspberry seed oil/tocopheryl succinate aminopropanediol esters Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
raspberry sherbet flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry specialty Use(s): fragrance agents
raspberry strudel flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry tomato flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raspberry vanilla flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
raubasine CAS: 483-04-5
EC: 207-589-5

Use(s): pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
raubasine hydrochloride CAS: 4373-34-6
EC: 224-471-9

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rauhimbine CAS: 66634-44-4
EC: 266-430-8

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rauvolfia serpentina root Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rauvolfia serpentina seed Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rauwolfia serpentina root extract CAS: 90106-13-1
EC: 290-234-1

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
rauwolscine hydrochloride CAS: 6211-32-1
EC: 228-279-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
ravenala madagascariensis aril extract Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning, skin protecting
ravensara aromatica bark oil CAS: 91770-56-8
EC: 294-842-8

Use(s): fragrance agents
ravensara aromatica leaf oil CAS: 91770-56-8
EC: 294-842-8

Use(s): fragrance agents
ravensara aromatica twig extract CAS: 91770-56-8
EC: 294-842-8

Use(s): fragrance agents
ravensara aromatica twig oil CAS: 91770-56-8
EC: 294-842-8

Use(s): fragrance agents
ravintsara leaf oil Use(s): fragrance agents
reaction products of oleic acid, 2-mercaptoethyl ester, with dichlorodimethyltin, sodium sulphide and trichloromethyltin CAS: 68442-12-6
EC: 270-476-4

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
reactive blue 69 CAS: 70209-99-3
EC: 274-397-6

Use(s): coloring agents
rebaudioside A CAS: 58543-16-1
FEMA: 4601
FLAVIS: 16.113

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rebaudioside B CAS: 58543-17-2
FEMA: 4978

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rebaudioside C CAS: 63550-99-2
FEMA: 4720

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rebaudioside C 30% CAS: 63550-99-2
FEMA: 4796

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rebaudioside D CAS: 63279-13-0
FEMA: 4921

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rebaudioside E CAS: 63279-14-1
FEMA: 4936

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rebaudioside I 95% CAS: 1220616-34-1
FEMA: 4937

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rebaudioside M CAS: 1220616-44-3
FEMA: 4895

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rebaudioside M 85% CAS: 1220616-44-3
FEMA: 4957

Use(s): flavoring agents
rebaudioside M 95% CAS: 1220616-44-3
FEMA: 4922

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
red bull type flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
red hot passion flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
redwood fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rehmannia chinensis root extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rehmannia elata root extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rehmannia glutinosa root extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rehmannic acid CAS: 467-81-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
renealmia guyanensis leaf extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rennet CAS: 9042-08-4
EC: 232-926-8

Use(s): multipurpose additives
repandiol CAS: 147921-90-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rescalure CAS: 64309-03-1

Use(s): herbicides / pesticides
reseda absolute CAS: 91721-98-1
EC: 294-399-0

Use(s): fragrance agents
reseda absolute pomade CAS: 91721-98-1
EC: 294-399-0

Use(s): fragrance agents
reseda absolute replacer Use(s): fragrance agents
reseda acetal CAS: 67633-94-7
EC: 266-795-3

Use(s): fragrance agents
reseda fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
reseda luteola extract CAS: 90106-16-4
EC: 290-237-8

Use(s): cosmetic agents
reseda luteola flower/leaf/stem extract CAS: 90106-16-4
EC: 290-237-8

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
reseda odorata flower/leaf/stem extract CAS: 91721-98-1
EC: 294-399-0

Use(s): masking agents
reserpic acid hydrochloride CAS: 1910-70-9

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
reserpine CAS: 50-55-5
EC: 200-047-9

Use(s): pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
resin acids and rosin acids CAS: 73138-82-6
EC: 277-299-1

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
resin acids and rosin acids esters with glycerol CAS: 8050-31-5
EC: 232-482-5
FEMA: 4226

Use(s): food contact resinous and polymeric coatings
resin acids and rosin acids, fumarated, esters with glycerol CAS: 97489-11-7
EC: 307-051-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
resin acids and rosin acids, hydrogenated, sodium salts CAS: 68990-02-3
EC: 273-574-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
resin acids and rosin acids, me esters, polymers with maleated rosin CAS: 68554-23-4

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
resin acids and rosin acids, potassium salts CAS: 61790-50-9
EC: 263-142-4

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
resin acids and rosin acids, sodium salts CAS: 61790-51-0
EC: 263-144-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
resin from formaldehyde, acetone and tetraethylene pentamine CAS: 9006-70-6

Use(s): ion-exchange resins
resmethrin CAS: 10453-86-8
EC: 233-940-7

Use(s): antimicrobial agents
resokaempferol CAS: 2034-65-3

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
resorcinol CAS: 108-46-3
EC: 203-585-2
FEMA: 3589
JECFA: 712
FLAVIS: 04.047

Use(s): food contact closures with sealing gaskets for food containers
resorcinol acetate CAS: 102-29-4
EC: 203-022-0

Use(s): cosmetic agents
resveratrol CAS: 501-36-0

Use(s): cosmetic agents
resveratrol CAS: 61434-67-1

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
retene CAS: 483-65-8
EC: 207-597-9

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
reticulacinone CAS: 155709-42-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
retinal CAS: 116-31-4
EC: 204-135-8

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
retinamido methylpentane CAS: 1354766-25-8

Use(s): antimicrobial, antioxidants agents
retinoic acid CAS: 302-79-4
EC: 206-129-0

Use(s): pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
retrorsine CAS: 480-54-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
retusine CAS: 1245-15-4
EC: 214-991-4

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
reynoutria sachalinensis extract Use(s): herbicides / pesticides
rhamnalpinogenin CAS: 95796-47-7

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhamnazin CAS: 552-54-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhamnetin CAS: 90-19-7
EC: 201-974-1

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhamnetin CAS: 480-19-3
EC: 207-545-5

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rhamnetin 3-neohesperidoside CAS: 55033-90-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhamnetin 3-O-alpha-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-2)-beta-galactopyranoside CAS: 107740-46-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhamnetin-3-O-glucoside CAS: 5041-82-7

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhamnidium elaeocarpum fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhamnopyranose CAS: 10030-85-0
EC: 600-058-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhamnose CAS: 3615-41-6
EC: 222-793-4
FEMA: 3730

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rhamnus cathartica bark CAS: 84623-02-9
EC: 283-398-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhamnus cathartica bark tincture CAS: 84623-02-9
EC: 283-398-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhamnus cathartica herb CAS: 84623-02-9
EC: 283-398-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhamnus frangula bark CAS: 84625-48-9
EC: 283-418-8

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhamnus frangula bark tincture CAS: 84625-48-9
EC: 283-418-8

Use(s): flavoring agents
rhamnus purshiana bark extract CAS: 84650-55-5
EC: 283-515-5
FEMA: 2253

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
rhaphiolepis umbellata bark extract Use(s): humectants
rhaphiolepis umbellata stem extract Use(s): antioxidants
rhapis flabelliformis leaf extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhaponticum carthamoides root extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhapontigenin CAS: 500-65-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhapontin CAS: 155-58-8
EC: 205-845-0

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rheum alexandrae extract CAS: 97435-15-9
EC: 306-896-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum australe extract CAS: 90106-25-5
EC: 290-247-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum australe root CAS: 90106-25-5
EC: 290-247-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum australe root extract CAS: 90106-25-5
EC: 290-247-2

Use(s): antioxidants, skin conditioning
rheum compactum extract CAS: 90106-26-6
EC: 290-248-8

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum nobile extract Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum officinale root extract CAS: 84650-56-6
EC: 283-516-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rheum officinale root extract CAS: 84650-56-6
EC: 283-516-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rheum officinale stem extract CAS: 84650-56-6
EC: 283-516-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rheum palmatum extract CAS: 90106-27-7
EC: 290-249-3

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rheum palmatum root CAS: 90106-27-7
EC: 290-249-3

Use(s): astringent, tonic agents
rheum palmatum root extract CAS: 90106-27-7
EC: 290-249-3

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
rheum palmatum root tincture CAS: 90106-27-7
EC: 290-249-3

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum palmatum tanguticum extract CAS: 90106-28-8
EC: 290-250-9

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum rhabarbarum extract CAS: 97435-16-0
EC: 306-897-8

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum rhabarbarum stalk extract CAS: 97435-16-0
EC: 306-897-8

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rheum rhaponticum fruit water CAS: 90106-29-9
EC: 290-251-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rheum rhaponticum root extract CAS: 90106-29-9
EC: 290-251-4

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rheum rhaponticum root tincture CAS: 90106-29-9
EC: 290-251-4

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum tanguticum extract CAS: 90106-30-2
EC: 290-253-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum undulatum root/stalk/stem extract CAS: 90106-31-3
EC: 290-254-0

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rheum webbianum extract CAS: 90106-32-4
EC: 290-255-6

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rheum webbianum root CAS: 90106-32-4
EC: 290-255-6

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhinacanthus communis extract Use(s): astringents
rhinacanthus nasutus leaf powder Use(s): humectants
rhinacanthus nasutus root powder Use(s): humectants
rhizobian gum Use(s): film forming, hair fixing agents
rhizobian gum Use(s): film forming agents
rhizomucor miehei rennet Use(s): food additive
rhizophora apiculata leaf extract Use(s): humectants
rhizophora mangle bark extract CAS: 90106-19-7
EC: 290-240-4

Use(s): coloring agents (for surface only)
rhizophora mangle callus culture extract CAS: 90106-19-7
EC: 290-240-4

Use(s): antioxidants, hair conditioning, skin conditioning
rhizopus/hibiscus sabdariffa flower ferment filtrate Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhizopus/saccharomyces/collagen ferment filtrate Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhizopus/soybean ferment extract filtrate Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhodinol CAS: 141-25-3
EC: 205-473-9
FEMA: 2980

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinol CAS: 6812-78-8
EC: 229-887-4
FEMA: 2980
JECFA: 1222
FLAVIS: 02.027

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinol substitues Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinol terpenes Use(s): fragrance agents
rhodinyl acetate CAS: 141-11-7
EC: 205-458-7
FEMA: 2981
FLAVIS: 09.033

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinyl acetate substitutes CAS: 53751-40-9
EC: 258-743-3

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinyl benzoate CAS: 10486-12-1
EC: 234-001-4

Use(s): fragrance agents
rhodinyl butyrate CAS: 141-15-1
EC: 205-462-9
FEMA: 2982
FLAVIS: 09.927

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinyl isobutyrate CAS: 138-23-8
EC: 205-318-5
FEMA: 2983
FLAVIS: 09.940

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinyl formate CAS: 141-09-3
EC: 205-456-6
FEMA: 2984
FLAVIS: 09.079

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinyl phenyl acetate CAS: 10486-14-3
EC: 234-003-5
FEMA: 2985
JECFA: 1018
FLAVIS: 09.791

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinyl propionate CAS: 105-89-5
EC: 203-343-6
FEMA: 2986
FLAVIS: 09.141

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodinyl isovalerate CAS: 7778-96-3
EC: 231-919-7
FEMA: 2987
FLAVIS: 09.465

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhodiola crenulata root extract Use(s): emollients
rhodiola rosea extract Use(s): emollients
rhodiola rosea root distillates Use(s): flavoring agents
rhodiola rosea root extract Use(s): cosmetic agents, dietary supplements
rhodiola sachalinensis callus culture extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhodiola sachalinensis extract Use(s): cosmetic agents
rhodiola sacra root extract Use(s): emollients
rhodobacter sphaeroides lysate extract Use(s): bleaching agents
rhodobryum roseum extract Use(s): humectants
rhodochrosite extract CAS: 14476-12-1

Use(s): antioxidants, skin conditioning, skin protecting
rhododendrin CAS: 497-78-9

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhododendrol CAS: 69617-84-1
EC: 274-056-1

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron anthopogon flower powder Use(s): humectants
rhododendron anthopogon flower/leaf extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron anthopogon leaf oil Use(s): fragrance agents
rhododendron anthopogon leaf powder Use(s): humectants
rhododendron arboreum bark extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron arboreum flower Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhododendron arboreum flower extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron brachycarpum extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron campylocarpum extract CAS: 95371-14-5
EC: 305-982-7

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhododendron chrysanthum extract CAS: 90106-20-0
EC: 290-242-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhododendron chrysanthum leaf extract CAS: 90106-20-0
EC: 290-242-5

Use(s): masking agents
rhododendron ferrugineum extract CAS: 90106-21-1
EC: 290-243-0

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rhododendron ferrugineum leaf cell culture extract CAS: 90106-21-1
EC: 290-243-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron indicum flower extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron mucronulatum flower extract Use(s): antioxidant, astringent agents
rhododendron schlippenbachii branch/leaf extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron weyrichii extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron yedoense branch/leaf extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhododendron yedoense flower extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhodomyrtus tomentosa flower/leaf/stem extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit extract Use(s): humectants
rhodophycea extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rhodopseudomonas Use(s): bleaching, skin conditioning
rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides ferment filtrate Use(s): bleaching agents
rhodopseudomonas/PABA ferment Use(s): bleaching, skin conditioning
rhodymenia palmata extract Use(s): antioxidant, binding agents
rhoeadine CAS: 2718-25-4

Use(s): pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
rhoicissus tomentosa fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhoifolin CAS: 17306-46-6
EC: 241-335-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhoifolin CAS: 552-57-8
EC: 209-015-9

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhubafuran CAS: 82461-14-1
EC: 279-967-8

Use(s): fragrance agents
rhubarb distillates Use(s): flavoring agents
rhubarb flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rhubarb fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rhubarb infusions Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rhubarb juice concentrate Use(s): flavoring agents, food additives
rhubarb oxirane CAS: 41816-03-9
EC: 255-560-0

Use(s): fragrance agents
rhubarb pyran CAS: 93939-86-7
EC: 300-376-9

Use(s): fragrance agents
rhubarb root (rheum rhaponticum) CAS: 977035-94-1

Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rhubarb root (rheum spp.) CAS: 977039-94-3

Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rhubarb undecane CAS: 87641-24-5
EC: 289-330-6

Use(s): fragrance agents
rhus aromatica bark CAS: 84604-11-5
EC: 283-288-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhus aromatica bark tincture CAS: 84604-11-5
EC: 283-288-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhus aromatica extract CAS: 84604-11-5
EC: 283-288-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhus chinensis extract CAS: 97435-17-1
EC: 306-898-3

Use(s): antioxidants
rhus coriaria leaf/stem extract CAS: 91770-58-0
EC: 294-844-9

Use(s): antioxidants
rhus cotinus leaf extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhus glabra bark extract CAS: 90106-33-5
EC: 290-256-1

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhus glabra bark/berry/root extract CAS: 90106-33-5
EC: 290-256-1

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rhus radicans extract CAS: 90106-34-6
EC: 290-257-7

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhus semialata extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhus semialata gall extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhus semialata leaf extract Use(s): antifoaming (or defoaming) agents
rhus semialata leaf/stem extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rhus semialata root extract Use(s): emollients
rhus succedanea extract CAS: 103798-70-5
EC: 310-125-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhus toxicodendron extract CAS: 90106-35-7
EC: 290-258-2

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhus typhina leaf extract CAS: 93686-19-2
EC: 297-669-6

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rhus veneata extract CAS: 90106-36-8
EC: 290-259-8

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rhus verniciflua bark extract Use(s): antioxidant, astringent agents
rhus verniciflua extract Use(s): antioxidants, skin conditioning
rhus verniciflua peel cera Use(s): emollients
rhus verniciflua peel cera Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhynchosia nulubilis seed extract Use(s): antioxidant, emollients, skin conditioning
rhyncophylline CAS: 76-66-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rhyolite extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rhyolite powder Use(s): cosmetic UV absorber
ribavirin CAS: 36791-04-5

Use(s): pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
ribes alpinum fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ribes grossularia fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ribes grossularia fruit extract CAS: 90045-41-3
EC: 289-902-5

Use(s): cosmetic agents
ribes grossularia fruit juice CAS: 90045-41-3
EC: 289-902-5

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ribes nigrum bud cera CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
ribes nigrum bud extract CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
ribes nigrum fruit CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
ribes nigrum fruit extract CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
ribes nigrum fruit juice CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
ribes nigrum fruit water CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ribes nigrum leaf extract CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
ribes nigrum leaf water CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): cosmetic agents
ribes nigrum pomace extract CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): coloring agents
ribes nigrum seed extract CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): emollients, humectants
ribes nigrum seed oil (fixed) CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

Use(s): emollients
ribes orientale fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ribes rubrum juice CAS: 84650-22-6
EC: 283-502-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ribes rubrum fruit CAS: 84650-22-6
EC: 283-502-4

Use(s): astringents
ribes rubrum fruit extract CAS: 84650-22-6
EC: 283-502-4

Use(s): tonic agents
ribes rubrum fruit water CAS: 84650-22-6
EC: 283-502-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ribes rubrum seed oil CAS: 84650-22-6
EC: 283-502-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
riboflavin CAS: 83-88-5
EC: 201-507-1

Use(s): nutrient supplements
riboflavin 5'-phosphate CAS: 146-17-8
EC: 205-664-7

Use(s): nutrient supplements
riboflavin 5'-phosphate sodium CAS: 130-40-5
EC: 204-988-6

Use(s): nutrient supplements
riboflavin tetraacetate CAS: 752-13-6
EC: 212-032-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
riboflavin tetrabutyrate CAS: 752-56-7
EC: 212-034-5

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ribonic acid CAS: 17812-24-7

Use(s): buffering agents
ribonolactone CAS: 5336-08-3
EC: 226-256-5

Use(s): humectants
ribose CAS: 50-69-1
EC: 200-059-4
FEMA: 3793

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
ribulose CAS: 488-84-6
EC: 207-687-8

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rice Use(s): food additive
rice bran Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rice bran absolute CAS: 68553-81-1
EC: 271-397-8

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rice bran extract Use(s): antioxidant, bleaching agents
rice bran oil CAS: 68553-81-1
EC: 271-397-8

Use(s): solvents/deluents for cosmetic, flavor and/or fragrance agents
rice bran oil CAS: 93685-98-4
EC: 297-647-6

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
rice bran oil polyglyceryl-3 esters Use(s): emulsifiers, surfactants
rice bran wax CAS: 8016-60-2
EC: 232-409-7

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rice bran wax Use(s): binding agents
rice bran/germ triterpenoids Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rice distillates Use(s): flavoring agents
rice extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
rice ferment filtrate Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rice ferment lees Use(s): humectants, skin conditioning
rice ferment lees Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rice flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rice flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rice flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rice flower & shea fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rice leaf extract Use(s): antioxidants, skin conditioning
rice oil diglyceryl esters Use(s): emulsifiers, surfactants
rice oil glycereth-8 esters Use(s): cleansing, surfactants
whole grain
rice oil waxoline yellow CAS: 55127-94-1

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rice protein Use(s): food additive
rice protein CAS: 156715-40-1

Use(s): antistatic, hair conditioning, skin conditioning
rice pudding flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rice syrup Use(s): sweeteners, texturizers, stabalizers, humectants, formulation aids
richardella macrophylla fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ricinodendron rautanenii fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ricinodendron rautenenii seed oil Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ricinoleamide DEA CAS: 40716-42-5
EC: 255-051-3

Use(s): antistatic, surfactant agents
ricinoleamide MEA CAS: 106-16-1
EC: 203-368-2

Use(s): antistatic, surfactant agents
ricinoleamide MIPA CAS: 40986-29-6

Use(s): antistatic, surfactant agents
ricinoleamidopropyl betaine CAS: 86089-12-5
EC: 289-181-7

Use(s): antistatic, surfactant agents
ricinoleamidopropyl dimethylamine CAS: 20457-75-4
EC: 243-835-8

Use(s): antistatic and conditioning agents
ricinoleamidopropyl dimethylamine lactate CAS: 118608-59-6

Use(s): antistatic and conditioning agents
ricinoleamidopropyl ethyldimonium ethosulfate CAS: 112324-16-0

Use(s): antistatic and conditioning agents
ricinoleamidopropyltrimonium methosulfate CAS: 85508-38-9
EC: 287-462-9

Use(s): antimicrobial, antistatic agents
ricinoleamidopropyltrimonium chloride CAS: 127311-98-2

Use(s): antistatic, hair conditioning
ricinoleic acid CAS: 141-22-0
EC: 205-470-2

Use(s): emollients, emulsifiers, surfactants
ricinoleic acid + linoleic acid + oleic acid FEMA: 4804

Use(s): flavoring agents
ricinus communis root extract CAS: 8001-79-4
EC: 232-293-8

Use(s): masking agents
riesling acetal CAS: NF0503

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rimuene CAS: 1686-67-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rishitin CAS: 18178-54-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rishitinol CAS: 31316-42-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rissoella verruculosa extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
RNA CAS: 63231-63-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
RNA Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
roasted butanol CAS: 54957-02-7
FEMA: 3509
JECFA: 547
FLAVIS: 12.036

Use(s): flavoring agents
roasted flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
robinetin CAS: 490-31-3
EC: 207-709-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
robinetinidin chloride CAS: 3020-09-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
robinia pseudoacacia absolute CAS: 89957-93-7
EC: 289-615-5

Use(s): fragrance agents
robinia pseudoacacia bark CAS: 89957-93-7
EC: 289-615-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
robinia pseudoacacia flower extract CAS: 89957-93-7
EC: 289-615-5

Use(s): tonic agents
robinia pseudoacacia flower water CAS: 89957-93-7
EC: 289-615-5

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
robinia pseudoacacia flower/leaf/stem extract CAS: 89957-93-7
EC: 289-615-5

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
robinin CAS: 301-19-9
EC: 206-113-3

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
robustic acid CAS: 5307-59-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rock & rye flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rock crystal cosmetic color Use(s): coloring agents (for surface only)
rodgersia podophylla root extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
roe CAS: 227025-32-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
roe extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
roemerine CAS: 548-08-3

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rofficerone CAS: 150148-82-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
romanal Use(s): fragrance agents
romneya coulteri flower extract Use(s): cosmetic agents
rooster combs extract Use(s): food additive
root beer flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
root beer flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
root beer flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
root beer flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
root beer float flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
root beer fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
root fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
root/commiphora myrrha resin/swertia japonica/uncaria gambir extract Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning
roquefortine CAS: 58735-64-1

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosa alba callus extract CAS: 93334-48-6
EC: 297-122-1

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rosa alba flower CAS: 93334-48-6
EC: 297-122-1

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosa alba flower extract CAS: 93334-48-6
EC: 297-122-1

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa alba flower oil CO2 extract CAS: 93334-48-6
EC: 297-122-1

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa alba flower water CAS: 93334-48-6
EC: 297-122-1

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa bourboniana extract CAS: 97660-07-6
EC: 307-515-2

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
rosa bourboniana flower extract CAS: 97660-07-6
EC: 307-515-2

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa bourboniana flower water CAS: 97660-07-6
EC: 307-515-2

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa canina bud extract CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa canina flower CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): masking agents
rosa canina flower extract CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rosa canina flower oil CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa canina flower powder CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa canina fruit CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): astringents
rosa canina fruit extract CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
rosa canina fruit juice CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): astringents
rosa canina fruit oil CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning
rosa canina fruit oil Use(s): emollients
rosa canina fruit oil CO2 extract CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning
rosa canina fruit shell CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosa canina fruit shell tincture CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosa canina leaf extract CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa canina seed CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): abrasives, skin conditioning
rosa canina seed extract CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0
FEMA: 2990

Use(s): cosmetic agents, flavoring agents, dietary supplements
rosa canina seed powder CAS: 84696-47-9
EC: 283-652-0

Use(s): abrasives
rosa centifolia bud extract CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8

Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning
rosa centifolia callus culture extract CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rosa centifolia extract CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa centifolia flower CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8

Use(s): masking agents
rosa centifolia flower cera CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa centifolia flower extract CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
rosa centifolia flower juice CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa centifolia flower powder CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8

Use(s): abrasives
rosa centifolia flower water CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa cinnamomea extract CAS: 97722-20-8
EC: 307-771-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosa damascena bud extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa damascena callus culture extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): antioxidants, hair conditioning, humectants
rosa damascena callus extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rosa damascena extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): masking, tonic agents
rosa damascena flower cera CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa damascena flower extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosa damascena flower oil CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2989

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosa damascena flower oil afghanistan CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2989

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosa damascena flower oil CO2 extract CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2989

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosa damascena flower powder CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): masking agents
rosa damascena flower water extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): antioxidant, astringent agents
rosa damascena leaf absolute CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa damascena leaf cell extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rosa damascena phytoplacenta culture extract CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): antioxidants, skin protecting
rosa davuca callus culture extract Use(s): antioxidants, hair conditioning, skin protecting
rosa davurica bud extract Use(s): antioxidants, skin conditioning
rosa davurica callus culture extract Use(s): antioxidants, hair conditioning, skin protecting
rosa duvica callus culture extract Use(s): antioxidants, hair conditioning, skin protecting
rosa eglanteria flower/leaf/stem extract CAS: 223748-18-3

Use(s): masking, tonic agents
rosa gallica flower absolute CAS: 84604-13-7
EC: 283-290-3

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa gallica flower cera CAS: 84604-13-7
EC: 283-290-3

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa gallica flower concrete CAS: 84604-13-7
EC: 283-290-3

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa gallica flower extract CAS: 84604-13-7
EC: 283-290-3

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
rosa gallica flower oil CAS: 84604-13-7
EC: 283-290-3

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa gallica flower powder CAS: 84604-13-7
EC: 283-290-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa gallica flower water CAS: 84604-13-7
EC: 283-290-3

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosa hybrid callus culture extract CAS: 93062-88-5
EC: 296-844-4

Use(s): humectants
rosa hybrid flower cera CAS: 93062-88-5
EC: 296-844-4

Use(s): emollients
rosa hybrid flower extract CAS: 93062-88-5
EC: 296-844-4

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rosa hybrid flower water CAS: 93062-88-5
EC: 296-844-4

Use(s): masking agents
rosa hybrid ovary extract CAS: 93062-88-5
EC: 296-844-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa hybrid phytoplacenta extract CAS: 93062-88-5
EC: 296-844-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa indica flower extract CAS: 97281-55-5
EC: 306-556-3

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
rosa laevigata fruit extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa luciae branch/flower/leaf extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa moschata leaf extract Use(s): astringents
rosa moschata seed oil Use(s): cosmetic agents
rosa multiflora flower cera CAS: 97593-51-6
EC: 307-356-9

Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning
rosa multiflora fruit CAS: 97593-51-6
EC: 307-356-9

Use(s): moisturising agents
rosa multiflora fruit extract CAS: 97593-51-6
EC: 307-356-9

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa multiflora root extract CAS: 97593-51-6
EC: 307-356-9

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
rosa odorata extract CAS: 97676-09-0
EC: 307-685-8

Use(s): astringents
rosa odorata flower oil CAS: 97676-09-0
EC: 307-685-8

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa pendulina extract CAS: 97593-52-7
EC: 307-357-4

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosa pendulina leaf cell extract CAS: 97593-52-7
EC: 307-357-4

Use(s): antioxidants, skin protecting
rosa roxburghii fruit extract CAS: 223748-27-4

Use(s): tonic agents
rosa roxburghii juice CAS: 223748-27-4

Use(s): emollients, humectants
rosa roxburghii seed oil Use(s): cosmetic agents
rosa rubiginosa fruit extract Use(s): emollients, skin conditioning
rosa rubiginosa seed oil peg-8 esters Use(s): emollients, emulsifiers, surfactants
rosa rubiginosa seed oil polyglyceryl-6 esters Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa rugosa bud powder CAS: 92347-25-6
EC: 296-213-3

Use(s): abrasives
rosa rugosa flower extract CAS: 92347-25-6
EC: 296-213-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa rugosa flower oil CAS: 92347-25-6
EC: 296-213-3

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosa rugosa flower water CAS: 92347-25-6
EC: 296-213-3

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosa rugosa fruit extract CAS: 92347-25-6
EC: 296-213-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa rugosa leaf extract CAS: 92347-25-6
EC: 296-213-3

Use(s): humectants
rosa rugosa root extract CAS: 92347-25-6
EC: 296-213-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rosa spinosissima fruit extract CAS: 97593-52-7
EC: 307-357-4

Use(s): tonic agents
rosa wichuraiana stem extract Use(s): antioxidant, astringent agents
rosacyanthin Use(s): fragrance agents
rose absolute CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2989

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose absolute CAS: 93334-48-6
EC: 297-122-1

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose absolute (rosa centifolia) CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose absolute (rosa centifolia) morocco CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose absolute (rosa damascena) bulgaria CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2988

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose absolute (rosa damascena) turkey CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2988

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose absolute bourbon CAS: 97660-07-6
EC: 307-515-2

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose absolute pentanol CAS: 55066-48-3
EC: 259-461-3

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose absolute replacer Use(s): fragrance agents
rose acetate CAS: 90-17-5
EC: 201-972-0

Use(s): fragrance agents
whole hip
rose berry Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rose blossom pentanol CAS: 25634-93-9

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose bud CAS: 977029-67-6

Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rose butanoate CAS: 24817-51-4
EC: 246-476-5
FEMA: 3632
JECFA: 993
FLAVIS: 09.538

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose carbonate CAS: 93981-50-1
EC: 301-136-6

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose carboxylate CAS: 57934-97-1
EC: 261-020-5

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose concrete (rosa centifolia) CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose concrete (rosa damascena) CAS: 8007-01-0

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose d'orient fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose distillates Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose essence Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose extenders Use(s): fragrance agents
rose flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rose flower CAS: 977029-69-8

Use(s): food additive and cosmetic agents
rose flower water (rosa damascena) CAS: 90106-38-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
rose fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rosefuran CAS: 15186-51-3
FEMA: 4174
JECFA: 1494
FLAVIS: 13.148

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose furan epoxide CAS: 92356-06-4

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose geranium fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose hips flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rose hips seed oil Use(s): emollients
rose jasmin fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose leaf CAS: 977029-70-1

Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rose leaf absolute (rosa centifolia) CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose musk fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose oil CAS: 93334-48-6
EC: 297-122-1

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose oil (rosa centifolia) egypt CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oil (rosa centifolia) morocco CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8
FEMA: 2993

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oil (rosa damascena) bulgaria CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2989

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oil (rosa damascena) iran CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2989

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oil (rosa damascena) russia CAS: 8007-01-0
FEMA: 2989

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oil (rosa damascena) turkey CAS: 8007-01-0
EC: 290-260-3

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oil replacer Use(s): fragrance agents
rose otto fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose oxide CAS: 5258-11-7

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oxide CAS: 4610-11-1
EC: 225-017-2

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose oxide CAS: 16409-43-1
EC: 240-457-5
FEMA: 3236
JECFA: 1237
FLAVIS: 13.037

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose oxide CAS: 3033-23-6
EC: 221-217-9
FEMA: 3236
FLAVIS: 13.170

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose petal acetate CAS: 50816-18-7
EC: 256-784-1

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose petal fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose pyran CAS: 94201-73-7
EC: 303-662-1

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose pyran CAS: 149713-23-5

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose pyran alcohol CAS: 63500-72-1
EC: 264-277-1

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rose quartz cosmetic color Use(s): coloring agents (for surface only)
rose raspberry fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rose specialty Use(s): fragrance agents
rose specialty Use(s): fragrance agents
rose specialty Use(s): fragrance agents
rose strawberry flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rose thiophene CAS: 103527-75-9

Use(s): flavoring agents
rose undecene CAS: 64165-57-7
EC: 264-716-7

Use(s): fragrance agents
rose water stronger CAS: 8030-26-0

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rose woody fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rosemary absolute CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary concrete CAS: 8000-25-7

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosemary essence CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rosemary flower oil CAS: 8000-25-7

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosemary fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rosemary garlic marinade Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rosemary leaf CAS: 977002-36-0
FEMA: 2991

Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rosemary mint fragrance Use(s): fragrance agents
rosemary oil CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil africa CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil china CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil CO2 extract FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil corsica CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil egypt CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil france CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil morocco CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil replacer Use(s): fragrance agents
rosemary oil spain CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil terpeneless CAS: 68917-54-4

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil terpenes CAS: 68917-62-4

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosemary oil tunisia CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oil turkey CAS: 8000-25-7
FEMA: 2992

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary oleoresin CAS: 977029-68-7
FEMA: 4705

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosemary specialty Use(s): fragrance agents
rosemary stem oil CAS: 8000-25-7

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosenbergiodendron longiflorum fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosidinha (micropholis (also known as sideroxylon) spp.) CAS: 977011-51-0

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rosifoliol CAS: 63891-61-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosin CAS: 65997-06-0
EC: 266-041-3

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosin acrylate CAS: 83137-13-7
EC: 280-192-2

Use(s): film forming, hair fixing agents
rosin dimers calcium salts CAS: 68648-50-0
EC: 500-226-4

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
rosin fumarated CAS: 65997-04-8
EC: 266-040-8

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
rosin fumarated-pentaerythritol copolymer CAS: 65997-11-7
EC: 500-164-8

Use(s): diluents in color additive mixtures
rosin gum glycerol ester CAS: 977035-48-5

Use(s): adjust the density of citrus oils used in the preparation of beverages
rosin gum or wood partially hydrogenated glycerol ester CAS: 977074-36-4

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rosin gum or wood partially hydrogenated pentaerythritol ester CAS: 977045-82-1

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rosin gum or wood pentaerythritol ester CAS: 977045-81-0

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rosin maleated CAS: 8050-28-0
EC: 232-480-4

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
rosin maleated polymer with glycerol CAS: 68038-41-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosin maleated polymer with pentaerythritol CAS: 68333-69-7

Use(s): coatings, binding agents, sealing agents and surface-finishing agents
rosin methyl ester partially hydrogenated CAS: 977035-88-3

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rosin partially dimerized calcium salt CAS: 977051-86-7

Use(s): coatings, films and related substances
rosin partially dimerized glycerol ester CAS: 977013-72-1

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rosin partially hydrogenated CAS: 977051-87-8

Use(s): coatings, films and related substances
rosin polymerized glycerol ester CAS: 68475-37-6

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
rosin tall oil CAS: 8052-10-6
EC: 232-484-6

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
rosin tall oil glycerol ester CAS: 977019-97-8

Use(s): emulsifiers, density adjustment agent for flavoring oils in beverages
rosin wood CAS: 9014-63-5
EC: 232-760-6

Use(s): emulsifiers, density adjustment agent for flavoring oils in beverages
rosin wood maleic anhydride modified pentaerythritol ester (acid #134-145) CAS: 977045-97-8

Use(s): coatings, films and related substances
rosin wood maleic anhydride modified pentaerythritol ester (acid #176-186) CAS: 977045-98-9

Use(s): coatings, films and related substances
rosin, distn. overheads CAS: 68425-08-1
EC: 270-333-6

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosin, polymer with phenol and tall-oil rosin CAS: 68648-57-7

Use(s): food contact closures with sealing gaskets for food containers
rosmadial CAS: 85514-31-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosmanol CAS: 80225-53-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosmanol CAS: 93380-12-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosmanol CAS: 93780-80-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosmaricine CAS: 3650-11-1

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosmaridiphenol CAS: 91729-95-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rosmarinic acid CAS: 20283-92-5

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rosmarinus angustifolius Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rosmarinus officinalis Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rosmarinus officinalis distillates Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis extract CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents, antioxidants
rosmarinus officinalis flower cera CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis flower extract CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis flower/leaf/stem extract CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): masking agents
rosmarinus officinalis flower/leaf/stem water CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis leaf powder CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): masking agents
rosmarinus officinalis leaf water CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis seed Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rosmarinus officinalis stem extract CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis tincture CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rosmarinus officinalis water CAS: 84604-14-8
EC: 283-291-9

Use(s): masking agents
rosmarinyl glucoside CAS: 910028-78-3

Use(s): antioxidants, skin conditioning
rosmic acid CAS: 197799-63-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotenone CAS: 83-79-4
EC: 201-501-9

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotenone CAS: 549-22-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rothindin CAS: 63347-43-3

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rottlerin CAS: 82-08-6
EC: 201-395-4

Use(s): pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
rotundene CAS: 65128-08-7

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotundene CAS: NF0342

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotundene CAS: 394217-22-2

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotundic acid CAS: 20137-37-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotundifolone CAS: 3564-96-3

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotunol CAS: 24405-56-9

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rotunol CAS: 24405-57-0

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
roux flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
roux flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
royal jelly CAS: 8031-67-2
EC: 310-127-6

Use(s): special dietary and nutritional additives
royal jelly extract CAS: 91081-56-0
EC: 293-662-7

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
royal jelly extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
royal jelly powder CAS: 8031-67-2
EC: 310-127-6

Use(s): special dietary and nutritional additives
royal jelly water Use(s): humectants
rubber latex extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubber natural CAS: 9006-04-6
EC: 232-689-0

Use(s): chewing gum bases and related substances
ruberythric acid CAS: 152-84-1
EC: 205-808-9

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubia cordifolia root extract CAS: 91845-24-8
EC: 295-195-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
rubia cordifolia root powder CAS: 91845-24-8
EC: 295-195-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubia cordifolia stem extract CAS: 91845-24-8
EC: 295-195-4

Use(s): humectants
rubia tinctorum root CAS: 84650-16-8
EC: 283-497-9

Use(s): food additive and cosmetic agents
rubia tinctorum root extract CAS: 84650-16-8
EC: 283-497-9

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rubia yunnanensis extract Use(s): antioxidant, emollients, skin conditioning
rubiadin 1-methyl ether CAS: 7460-43-7

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubidium carbonate CAS: 584-09-8
EC: 209-530-9

Use(s): indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings
rubinic acid CAS: 94662-96-1

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubitic acid CAS: 28348-90-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubraflavone A CAS: 54510-13-3

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubraflavone B CAS: 54835-68-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubraflavone C CAS: 54835-67-5

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubraflavone D CAS: 54835-66-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubus allegheniensis fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus anatolicus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus arcticus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus arcticus fruit extract Use(s): antioxidants
rubus arcticus fruit water Use(s): antioxidants
rubus bifrons fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus caesius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus caesius fruit extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus chamaemorus callus Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus chamaemorus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus chamaemorus fruit extract Use(s): antioxidants
rubus chamaemorus seed extract Use(s): cosmetic agents
rubus chamaemorus seed oil Use(s): cosmetic agents
rubus chingii fruit extract CAS: 223748-34-3

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus chingii fruit juice CAS: 223748-34-3
FEMA: 4717

Use(s): flavoring agents
rubus chingii leaf extract CAS: 223748-34-3
FEMA: 4717

Use(s): flavoring agents
rubus coreanus fruit extract Use(s): cosmetic agents
rubus coreanus root extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus deliciosus extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus deliciosus fruit juice Use(s): food additive and cosmetic agents
rubus ellipticus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus ellipticus fruit extract Use(s): bleaching agents
rubus ellipticus root extract Use(s): cosmetic agents
rubus erythroclados fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus erytrocladus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus fraxinifolius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus fruticosus fruit extract CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6
FEMA: 2155

Use(s): cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents, dietary supplements
rubus fruticosus fruit juice CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6
FEMA: 2155

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rubus fruticosus fruit puree CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6

Use(s): flavoring agents and adjuvants
rubus fruticosus fruit water CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6

Use(s): masking agents
rubus fruticosus leaf CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rubus fruticosus leaf cell extract CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6

Use(s): antioxidants, skin protecting
rubus fruticosus leaf extract CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6

Use(s): cosmetic and fragrance agents
rubus fruticosus seed CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus fruticosus/idaeus extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus glaucus seed oil Use(s): emollients
rubus hillii fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus hirsutus fruit/leaf extract Use(s): emollients
rubus hoffmeisterianus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus humulifolius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus idaeus bud extract CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus idaeus callus powder Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus idaeus fruit CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): astringents
rubus idaeus fruit extract CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rubus idaeus fruit juice CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rubus idaeus fruit tincture CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus idaeus fruit water CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rubus idaeus leaf cell culture CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus idaeus leaf cera CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic agents
rubus idaeus leaf extract CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus idaeus leaf powder CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus idaeus leaf tincture CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus idaeus sachalinensis fruit juice Use(s): masking agents
rubus idaeus seed CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): abrasives
rubus idaeus seed extract CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus idaeus seed powder CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): abrasives
rubus idaeus seedcake powder Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus idaeus wood CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus idaeus/ursinus fruit extract Use(s): antioxidants
rubus illecebrosus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus irritans fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus laciniatus seed oil Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus leucodermis fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus loganobaccus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus moluccanus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus moluccanus fruit extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus niveus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus occidentalis fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus occidentalis fruit extract CAS: 68915-99-1
EC: 272-819-3

Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
rubus occidentalis fruit juice CAS: 68915-99-1
EC: 272-819-3

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rubus occidentalis seed oil CAS: 68915-99-1
EC: 272-819-3

Use(s): emollients
rubus palmatus thunb. leaf extract FEMA: 4717

Use(s): flavoring agents
rubus paniculatus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus parvifolius fruit extract Use(s): astringent, skin conditioning
rubus probus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus ribisoideus fruit extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus rosaceus extract CAS: 97435-18-2
EC: 306-899-9

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus roseiflorus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus sanctus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus saxatilis fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus sellowii fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus spp. bark extract CAS: 977047-53-2

Use(s): cosmetic and flavor agents
rubus strigosus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus strigosus seed Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus suavissimus extract 20-30% glucosylated rubusoside glycosides CAS: 1268518-76-8
FEMA: 4800

Use(s): flavoring agents
rubus suavissimus extract, 60% glucosylated rubusoside glycosides CAS: 1268518-76-8
FEMA: 4814

Use(s): flavoring agents
rubus suavissimus leaf extract CAS: 1268518-76-8
FEMA: 4717

Use(s): sweeteners, flavor enhancers
rubus sumatranus fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus ulmifolius fruit Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus extract CAS: 93384-28-2
EC: 297-237-7

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus juice CAS: 93384-28-2
EC: 297-237-7

Use(s): flavoring agents
rubus villosus fruit extract CAS: 93165-71-0
EC: 296-958-4

Use(s): astringent, tonic agents
rubus villosus leaf extract CAS: 93165-71-0
EC: 296-958-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubus villosus root extract CAS: 93165-71-0
EC: 296-958-4

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rubusoside CAS: 64849-39-4

Use(s): humectants, skin conditioning
ruby cosmetic color Use(s): coloring agents (for surface only)
rudbeckia hirta seed extract Use(s): cosmetic agents
rue flower oil colombia Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rue herb CAS: 977051-88-9
FEMA: 2994

Use(s): spices, other natural seasonings and flavorings
rue oil CAS: 8014-29-7
FEMA: 2995

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rue oil cuba CAS: 8014-29-7
FEMA: 2995

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rum CAS: 977089-45-4

Use(s): flavoring agents and adjuvants
rum absolute Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rum butter flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum coconut flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum coffee flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum essence Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rum ether CAS: 8030-89-5
EC: 232-449-5
FEMA: 2996

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rum ether flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum extract CAS: 90604-30-1
EC: 292-323-0

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
rum flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum fragrance Use(s): fragranced products of all types
rum raisin flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum runner flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rum spice flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rumex acetosa leaf extract CAS: 90106-39-1
EC: 290-261-9

Use(s): emollients, hair conditioning, skin conditioning
rumex acetosella extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rumex acetosella tincture Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rumex crispus flower/root/stem extract CAS: 90106-41-5
EC: 290-264-5

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rumex crispus root CAS: 90106-41-5
EC: 290-264-5

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rumex crispus root extract CAS: 90106-41-5
EC: 290-264-5

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rumex crispus root extract Use(s): antimicrobial agents
rumex crispus tincture CAS: 129871-02-9

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
rumex occidentalis extract Use(s): soothing agents
rumex pseudonatronatus flower/leaf/stem extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rumex stenophyllus flower/leaf/stem extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rumex wallichii extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ruscogenin CAS: 472-11-7
EC: 207-447-2

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ruscogenin CAS: 17676-33-4
EC: 241-660-1

Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ruscus aculeatus root CAS: 84012-38-4
EC: 281-682-9

Use(s): information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ruscus aculeatus root extract CAS: 84012-38-4
EC: 281-682-9

Use(s): cosmetic agents
russelia equisetiformis flower/leaf/stem extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for hair conditioning
russian flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
russula viresens extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
rustoside CAS: 83144-68-7

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
ruta graveolens herb extract CAS: 84929-47-5
EC: 284-531-5

Use(s): fragrance agents
ruta graveolens herb oil CAS: 84929-47-5
EC: 284-531-5

Use(s): fragrance agents
ruta graveolens herb tincture CAS: 84929-47-5
EC: 284-531-5

Use(s): fragrance agents
ruta graveolens leaf extract CAS: 84929-47-5
EC: 284-531-5

Use(s): flavor and fragrance agents
ruta graveolens leaf/root/stem extract CAS: 84929-47-5
EC: 284-531-5

Use(s): skin conditioning, skin protecting
rutabaga flavor Use(s): flavored products of all types
rutacultin CAS: 31526-60-0

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rutaretin CAS: 13895-92-6

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rutin CAS: 153-18-4
EC: 205-814-1

Use(s): special dietary and nutritional additives
rutinose CAS: 90-74-4
EC: 202-014-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rutinose heptaacetate CAS: 29202-64-0
EC: 226-037-4

Use(s): natural substances and extractives
rye distillates Use(s): flavored products of all types
rye phytoplacenta extract Use(s): cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
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